Friday, July 8, 2011

Getting Interactive With It

I have been getting some amazing responses to these posts, mostly via email or facebook. That's fantastic, but if you want to add your comments to the blog, please do!. You can add comments anonymously if you like. This will help people who are reading, because then it's not just oakley-thoughts on the matter.

I am also keen to hear from other people who are suffering from depression, or who have experienced it in the past. If you fit into this category, please consider sending me an email []. I promise to keep all details anonymous. Alternatively, you could write your thoughts anonymously as a comment below this post. I may then use your stories in a future blog-post. Any questions? email me or comment below.

Please also feel free to weigh in to the discussion even if you haven't had depression personally. 

Beyond Blue (Australia's National Depression Initiative) states: "Depression is one of the most common of all mental health problems. One in five people experience depression at some stage of their lives." I hardly need add - that's a lot of people. Australian Medical Association Queensland president Richard Kidd was quoted recently (July 5, 2011) in the Brisbane Times, saying that in Australia suicide is the biggest killer of those under the age of 25. So depression looms large on the Australian mental landscape. The more we are informed about it, the better equipped we are to survive it, to help others through it, to learn from it. 

Your turn.


  1. Thanks Sal, you're legendary!I might add my teacher-side of things (which I've already told you I think...!): I was horrified when I discovered last year that the Tasmanian Curriculum included NOTHING (yes, really) on mental illnesses until high-school, and very little on mental health beyond building 'resilience'. Despite mental health being an even bigger problem in Tasmania!!

    However, I have more hope for the National Curriculum, and also found that 'Beyond Blue' has a kids section and program called 'Kids Matter' which is a fantastic resource. It'll help kids to tackle mental health issues so hopefully it won't be such a huge problem in future generations, or if it is, that people will be more open to talking about it. :)

  2. Sal, thank your for opening up your blog on this topic.

    Reading about your experience of depression has brought much comfort and relief as well as some very good practical advice. What an encouragement to know that I am not 'silly' for feeling like this, but infact there are many others are on the same journey, and who bear witness to there being brighter times up ahead.

    I've been that car with the tyers blown out which you were talking about, but until quite recently I hadn't actually realised I was running on empty.

    I shared with one friend who could see my biggest struggle was with taking off the mask, indicating, pulling off to the side and admitting "I'm not okay"..

    She said:

    "It's just like you are taking a pit stop..

    The best of race cars still wear out and break down. And it is deemed very important to put them in the mechanics garage to repair and renew their parts. There is no expectation that they should continue on, and achieve their purpose/function without doing this necessary work. Because to their makers, they are valuable and what they do is valued. And so it is worth it."

    I hope these words are a comfort for anyone who is wearing out or breaking down (whether depression is the cause or not). It's okay to take some time, get some repairs done - this is necessary work..



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